Congresswoman Poetry-Slammed Republicans with White Stripes

How did Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-Maryland) send a message to her Republican colleagues on the House floor about the government shutdown debacle? With White Stripes, of course!

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Yglesias

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Melanie: First, screaming about the Southern Tenant Farmers Union does not bolster your argument. It has little, if anything to do with the topic at hand. Please try and stay with us as we explore this topic fully.

We can agree that her statement was ironic. I assume that her point in making the statement was to make some grand political point. That being the case, the statement was probably the most ironic thing I have seen by a member of Congress.

Poignant? Yes. It was pungent to the smell. So, we can agree there too.

As far as your assumption that "..she was showing that when everything is ruined you have no one to blame but yourself and the actions you chose", I must disagree here.

Taking the fact that she dedicated this waste of taxpayer money to "our young people and our seniors and our service members and federal workers who stand to be affected by a government shutdown" and that she said it was "a lesson for my Republican colleagues, courtesy of the White Stripes" the following lyrics would seem to indicate that she believes that the words apply to her Republican colleagues.

"I ain't the reason that you gave me no reason to return your call
You built a house of cards and got shocked when you saw them fall
Well are you sayin' I'm innocent?
In fact the reverse
But if you're headin' to the grave
You don't blame the hearse
You're like a little girl yellin' at her brother
'Cause you lost his ball

Well you keep blamin' me for what you did
And that ain't all
The way you clean up a wreck
Is enough to get one pause
You seem to forget
Just how this song started
I'm reactin' to you because you left me broken-hearted
See, you just can't take the effect
And make it the cause "

Clearly she thinks that her Republican colleagues are blaming "our young people and our seniors and our service members and federal workers who stand to be affected by a government shutdown" because they are closing parks and museums and more because the Democrats have spent MORE money than the taxpayers gave them, and there is no money to continue these services.

She is confused, if not deranged. And, to my original point, she uses prose instead of logic because that is what she understands and what she thinks that her constituents will understand best.

Who am I to say that she is wrong about her constituents?
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Right, like the Left is going to take the blame for anything. Give me a break. They only know how to accuse the Right. The current president even goes so far as to blame former Pres Bush.

The left never admits when they are wrong. never.
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@ squishy- STFU! Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's valid.

I think the congress woman was being 1.Ironic & 2.Poingnant. 1 because she was using a song from pop culture to show how idiotic the current politics of placing the blame on the other party is, and 2. because she was showing that when everything is ruined you have no one to blame but yourself and the actions you chose. She doesn't mention race in her speech, so neither should you.
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Yet another example of why this country is careening down the toilet. I'm waiting for a republican to start reading Dr. Seuss to us. I can't help but wonder how many of these elected idiots got their education on the legal system from School House Rock's "I'm Just a Bill."
And yet we CONTINUE to send this morons to DC to represent us. It begs the question - Who is the real buffoon?
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