Talking Babies

YouTube link.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to determine what they are talking about.

The missing sock?  Or something more profound?

Via Reddit, where it is speculated that they are Italian (because of all the hand gestures).

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2-sock baby is a goody goody control freak disciplinarian planner type who likes things just so. 1-sock baby is rough and tough, independent, free spirited and finds it easier to go with the flow in life.

2-sock baby berates 1-sock baby for losing his sock. 1-sock baby is amused with his brother's choice of grave tone for such a trivial matter. He raises his leg and argues his foot is not hurting from the loss.

2-sock baby tries to drill some sense into his brother. 1-sock baby remains amused and gestures his brother to back off.

2-sock baby persists with cogent reasoning in favor of keeping one's toes warm in nippy weather. 1-sock baby just doesn't want to hear it and puts his hands up and waves off his brother dismissively.

Exasperated, 2-sock baby imitates the hand movement mockingly. Suddenly, 1-sock baby's brave face falters and he finds himself at a loss for a quick repartee.

The rest is on
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God bless those two little angels. They are very entertaining. I agree with their conversation having something to do with the socks and the fact that they must be part of a large Italian family. I love these kinds of videos and would like to see more of them.
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dragonmamma/naomi cracked me up.
I have no idea what they're talking about, but they are conversing more skillfully that a lot of people I know: both are listening and observing when the other speaks, and often thinking before they say their own piece. Very impressive. I hope it stays with them.
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