The loudest purr in the world? Let's hope so! Smokey the cat, of Pitsford, Northampton, England, purrs so loud that her owners can't hear themselves think.
Smokey's purr has been measured to be as loud as a lawnmower or a plane landing. Link -via Arbroath
Owners Ruth and Mark Adams say Smokey's deafening purrs make it impossible for them to hear the television or radio when she is in the room and they struggle to have telephone conversations.
"She has always been very vocal and purrs at some level nearly all the time," said Ruth, from Pitsford, Northampton.
"She even manages to purr while she eats. The only time she is quiet is when she is asleep.
"When I'm on the phone friends often ask what the loud noise is and they can't believe it is coming from a cat."
Smokey's purr has been measured to be as loud as a lawnmower or a plane landing. Link -via Arbroath
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