Einstein's famous Twin Paradox in which a twin makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find he has aged less than his identical twin who stayed on Earth is a mind boggling concept at first glance. This clever animation produced by Yuanjian Luo interprets the theory in a way that makes it easier to understand, even for those of us who have never heard of time dilation or nonequivalent reference frames.
Another question. Imagine that you start to spin (one revolution per second). From your point of view, you'll see that a body placed at 1 meter covers a circumference of 1 meter radius in a time of 1 second. A body placed at 50,000 meters covers a circumference of 50 000 m radius in a time of 1 second. And so on ad infinitum ... Obvious ...ly there are higher speeds c = 300,000 km / s !!! The theory of relativity is absurd.
Solution: http://vixra.org/abs/1009.0023
I would like to introduce some new transformations that preserve the local velocity of light. Also resolve the twin paradox.
Relational Transformation: http://vixra.org/abs/0909.0022
More Information: http://21physics.blogspot.com/p/new-lorentz-transformation.html
Also, it always annoys me that we are making a huge assumption that light travels constant speed in any frame. I wonder where the empirical proof of that is. Or will scientists one day say "oops, we're sorry. it turns out that we were wrong about this!"