(Video Link)
Boris, a friend of YouTube user mattinbrooklyn made a helmet that will shave a person's head in twenty seconds. Activating it spreads shaving cream over the head. Then four electric razors inside pass back and forth, giving the user, as you can see at the end of the video, a clean shave.
via Gizmodo
UPDATE 2/16/11: The video is a hoax! Or more specifically, a viral marketing stunt.
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easy to fake, just get twins one with a clean shaved head wearing the same clothes, on the pan away just switch twins.
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When you're introducing an innovation you shouldn't move the camera away. Just saying.
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Shouldn't they power the helmet with a lemon first?
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I totally expected to see him start screaming and blood to start gushing seconds after putting on the helmet.
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I think this is probably a viral video for HeadBlades (the yellow razor thing used in the helmet).
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