"You Killed Kenny!" Doorstop

Instructables user BrittLiv made a doorstop that looks like the ever-dying, ever-resurrecting South Park character Kenny McCormick. The legs, boots, and pool of blood are made out of sugru, a moldable type of silicone. The rest is composed of a thin rubber mat, wood, and modeling clay.

Link via Great White Snark

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So disapointed..
I'm expecting now the biggest STRUCTURAL gingerbread house. Anybody can slap a couple of slices on a wall, but building a real house with gingerbread is left to be seen. That woudl be a structural challenge...
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Whats wrong with you guys. Yeah it would be awesome to see a STRUCTURAL gingerbread house. But this is just as hard to build. Your disappointed, your one of those critics that don't know anything, a writer, not an acual builder. I'l like to see you do this. You won't even last a second, won't even know what to make the door out of. So keep your comments to yourself....psh disappointed, I should smack you across the face for saying that.
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