A Restaurant Where Anyone over 350 Pounds Eats for Free

A restaurant in Chandler, Arizona will serve free food to anyone over 350 pounds. It's called the Heart Attack Grill, and its managers just hired a 600-pound man named Blair River to be a model in their commercials:

Blair River stands 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 600 pounds. His weight and his enthusiasm for the food at Chandler's Heart Attack Grill have won him a $100-an-hour modeling contract.

This week he shot a YouTube video commercial to promote the grill, which invites anyone over 350 pounds to eat for free.[...]

The Heart Attack Grill, at 6185 W. Chandler Blvd. near Kyrene Road, has a medical theme. Waitresses are dressed in skimpy nurses' uniforms. Customers, called patients, wear hospital gowns over their clothes. The menu features no diet drinks and high-calorie food called such memorable names as Double Bypass Burger. Fries are cooked in lard.

The restaurant is owned by former nutritionist Jon Basso, who ran a chain of seven Jenny Craig weight-loss centers in Oklahoma.

Link via J-Walk Blog | Official Website (warning: sound)

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The guy isn't a nutritionist, and he didn't start the Pink Taco Mexican restaurants (and boy is THAT another story). Heart Attack Grill was the owner's marketing thesis. The Powers That Be said that it was a terrible idea, that it would never work. The guy has never paid a dime for advertising; articles like this do all the work for him. He has also realized that if you can get people in with crafty marketing tactics, you don't have to pay as much attention to the food. When it opened, it was one of the best burgers in town; now it's a mediocre burger brought out by sexy nurses.
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dude, how nice would it be if you were just like, really tall and muscular... it's gotta be hard for people like that (who don't play professional basketball) to make enough money to feed themselves.. so .. here they have this place :D
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