Geek Optimism This is a wonderful way to look at the world. I just wish I knew who the original artist is. -via The Daily WhatUpdate: The artist is Selin Jessa. -Thanks, Andy! Comments (21) Newest 5 Newest 5 Comments Logic tells me...When the glass was created, it was empty. Therefore, the glass is now half full. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Actually there exists no glass.... Its all multiple dimensions! Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) The realist sees a dirty glass and knows it will need washing. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Also, normal people don't use the word "pragmatics". Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) @NoApparently normal people fail at having a sense of humor. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Login to comment. Click here to view up to the first 100 of this post's 21 comments
Logic tells me...When the glass was created, it was empty. Therefore, the glass is now half full. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
Actually there exists no glass.... Its all multiple dimensions! Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
The realist sees a dirty glass and knows it will need washing. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
@NoApparently normal people fail at having a sense of humor. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
When the glass was created, it was empty.
Therefore, the glass is now half full.
Apparently normal people fail at having a sense of humor.