Beatus Apocalypse: What the Antichrist Would Look Like

The Antichrist

"The Apocalypse, or Book of Revelation, is not only the last Book of the New Testament, but its most difficult, puzzling, and terrifying. It provided challenges to medieval illustrators and was the source for a number of popular images, such as Christ in Majesty, the Adoration of the Lamb, and the Madonna of the Apocalypse and contributed to the widespread use of the Evangelists' symbols."

When the Apocalypse comes, would you know what the Antichrist would look like? Regardless of your religious beliefs (or non-belief), surely you'll agree that the apocalyptical illustrations of the medieval Beatus Apocalypse are gorgeous.

Another great find by peacay of BibliOdyssey: Link

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Revelations isn't puzzling: Dude had a freaky nightmare. He wrote it down in a time when not a lot of people were writing stuff down, particularly not dream journals. Couple thousand years of overly-literal interpretations follow. It's still just woo. Epic woo.
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Proof of why you should never read Revelation in a vacuum. To understand the book of Revelation, you need to read most of the rest of the Bible, especially Daniel and Isaiah. Also, reading it (Revelation) trying to make all the imagery and numbers tie out will drive one insane.

Also, when you read the letters John wrote (especially 2 John and 3 John), you realize that there are many anti-Christs (to paraphrase, anyone who says God is anything but love is an anti-Christ).
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