Man Collects His Own Belly Button Lint for 26 Years

Over 26 years, Graham Barker of Perth, Australia, collected 22.1 grams of belly button lint. After saving it in three jars, he recently sold his collection to a museum:

"The raw material is worthless but as a unique world record collection and a piece of cultural heritage, of debatable merit, it has some curiosity value," he said.

While most people have a positive reaction to his collection there is "a small minority – usually women" who find it unappealing.

Mr Barker said he had come across a handful of other navel fluff collectors, but none had taken their hobby to such lengths. He explained: "One guy might have persisted, but he got married and his wife ordered him to stop."

Link | Photo: Solent

Update 10/25/10 by Alex - See also: 25 Strangest Collections on the Web

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I'm skeptical that "most people have a positive reaction to his collection." Unless I've grossly misjudged all people, I can't believe many people would be intrigued by such a stupid collection.
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