Artist Jud Turner of Eugene, Oregon, made this sculpture out welded steel. It's about 44 inches long and is callled "MortalCycle". In his artist's statement, he writes:
Using welded steel and found objects, I create artwork which embraces opposites -- the tension between humans and nature; the perils of balancing biology and technology; or the combination of ancient fossils with modern machinery. I also engage contradictions by the materials I choose -- human forms which appear solid and realistic, but which were made with a delicate surface of thin wire, allowing the viewer to see through the figure; or by mixing the sense of scale in a piece, using large items alongside tiny pieces.
Link via Geekologie | Photo by the artist
Previously: Skeleton Bicycle
Newest 4 Comments
Looks painful to sit on.
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Cute sculpture, I suppose, but I have to agree about the sucky description to some extent. The description is cliché and vapid.
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Artist Statement - what a load of crap - I'm guessing most the time in art school is spent learning how to spin such nonsense instead of actually learning any useful art skills.
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lOl can I ride it? So cool.
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