The Stemie is a a rubber device that slips over a bicycle's handlebar stem. If a rider crashes and flies over the handlebars, the Stemie is designed to prevent painful impacts to the groin.
My knees usually slam hard enough into the handles (shifters) to prevent my genitals from slamming into the stem. I've been crashing for years: you don't need a cup for your bike, all you need is practise.
Stem pads never worked on BMX bikes anyway. They were just something else to sell. I have been a competitive cyclist for over 10 years and I have never, not once, hit my junk on my stem.
They should have invested their time in making an unbreakable collar bone. That would be a winner.
Comments (7)
They should have invested their time in making an unbreakable collar bone. That would be a winner.