Stephen Von Worley created the above map of all McDonald's locations in the 48 contiguous states. A spot in northwestern Nevada is the most McDonald's-free on the map. It's the McFarthest spot (to use Von Worley's term) at 115 miles to the nearest McDonald's restaurant. You can read about Von Worley's discovery here, or about his subsequent pilgrimage to that location here. Von Worley brought McDonald's food with him.
via Ace of Spades HQ
Previously about Stephen Von Worley:
Infographic on Burger Chain Dominance
Crayola's Law
Comments (14)
I'm just not bitter or hateful towards the USA.
Go figure.
Many people I know have found themselves in far away places, unable to stomach the local food (food poisoning, etc) and have seen a McDonald's and known they had found at least one meal they would eat with no worry.
Heck, even the Romans loved fast food. We didn't invent it.
As for fat Americans, well, why does that bother YOU, someone who is not American and, I suppose, not fat? It's our problem. And if you think being fat makes you somehow inferior, I'd like to hear your reasoning as to why that is so.
Such fine dining where you eat from a tray covered in a piece of paper with your fingers.
Camacho for president.