Auto-eating Rabbits at Denver Airport

Imagine landing at the airport and finding that hungry rabbits have eaten your car. Well, not the entire car, just the parts that make it run. That's happening more and more at the Denver International Airport.
A vacationer returned after a nine day holiday only to find that his brand new VW Jetta would hardly crank. When he got it started he sought the help of the dealer, as anyone would, knowing that it is covered under the bumper to bumper warranty.

The service representative quizzed the owner if he had just picked up the Jetta from DIA and the gentleman responded, “Well as a matter of fact I did.” The culprit, according to the dealer, are rabbits who have combined exercise and a healthy diet to ensure against early onset cardio vascular disease.

The bunnies are feasting on rubber coated wires and other delicacies that may be infused with soy oil during the manufacturing process.

In the case of the VW Jetta, the warranty does not cover damage caused by hungry rabbits. Link -via reddit

(Image credit: Flickr users Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis)

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@groksocket & nutbastard -- I'll see if I can manage to attract some pee to my car without getting arrested for it. Talk about trip prep I've never had to do before....
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