Antique Burglar Alarm

This burglar alarm was patented by George Pratt in 1883. A wire is attached to the trigger, which fires blank cartridges when pulled. It looks like a user might be able to load it with real cartridges.

Link via Hell in a Handbasket | Photo: Antique Arms

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After thinking about it for while, it seems to me that the device above resembles some sort of harpoon gun. As if Edwardian gentlemen would be looking to stick Moby Dick in their parlors.
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Ah, I still remember the day that I went from a wide-eyed justice-seeker to just another a cynical law student.

It was a crisp fall morning in Torts class when we discussed Katko v. Briney and learned you can't use spring guns anymore. So, so sad.
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Ah, I still remember the day that I went from a wide-eyed justice-seeker to just another a cynical law student.

It was a crisp fall morning in Torts class when we discussed Katko v. Briney and learned you can't use spring guns anymore. So, so sad.
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After thinking about it for while, it seems to me that the device above resembles some sort of harpoon gun. As if Edwardian gentlemen would be looking to stick Moby Dick in their parlors.
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