Drake University's New Advertising Campaign

Drake University is a private college in Iowa. Pictured above is a logo from its new ad campaign. Do you think that it sends a good message?

The college administration doesn't see any problem:

However, Drake officials are standing by the D+ campaign -- which college officials crafted with outside PR contractors. Defenders of the ad blitz described it as "edgy and intriguing" in a letter to faculty and staff this week. The letter explained that the campaign "was designed to catch the attention of high school students who are bombarded with college and university materials to the point that they are often in information overload and unable to differentiate among the many institutions that have contacted them."

Link | College Website | Screenshot: Yahoo

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Drake grad here from the early 1990s. Uf-da. It's actually a pretty good school, if one that normally flies under the radar. I'm curious to see how this works.
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Iowan. Paper said that it polled well with high schoolers in that it "made them take notice" but only three percent said they would follow up and pursue the college. The quote in the Register from the marketing guy was something to the tune of, "I'm not marketing to me, I'm marketing to teenagers, who get irony and sarcasm." (paraphrase, not direct quote)

Well, it's obviously earning them attention, national attention. But, on the other hand, how many of you could, when pressed, tell anyone what your university's ad campaign slogan was?
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