Cruelty Caught on Tape

(YouTube link)

Lola just wanted to make friends, but ended up stuck in a trash bin for 15 hours before her owners, Darryl Mann and Stephanie Andrews-Mann found her. Their CCTV footage shows how she got there. Link -via reddit

Update: The woman in the video has been identified. -Thanks, oezicomix!

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Reading all the comments makes me sick to see the hatred of people towards this woman. I agree, what she's done is horrible - I have an outdoor cat of my own and care for it dearly and would have never done that to any animal, but I still understand the difference between a cat and a human being. Why doesn't anyone care so much about human beings as they do for their pets? Why do we turn away when people are mobbed and molested and harassed but are ready to punish and torture even to death someone who hates cats? I say people are the most selcouth creatures on this planet.

Watch this video on how even the best people can turn into monsters:
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Cruelty is cruelty whatever species you perpetrate it against. Yes, it was a cat. Why does that mean people are allowed to be hurtful to it? For those of you using the, "it's not like it was a child" defense, what makes you think a person who is willing to commit atrocities on an animal won't do the same to a human - or hasn't already?
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God, stop letting your domesticated cats go outside. They don't know enough to stay away from dangerous things. A cat doesn't know the difference between a friendly person and one who's going to throw rocks at it until it's too late.

Not to mention that some people just don't like cats. I don't like them and next time Cheapo from next door wanders into my apartment complex again I'm going to bring him to the SPCA. He's cute, but I hate the way he's been peeing on my doorstep.
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I don't know how some people seem to think this is a less-than-horrible act. Some people say those of us who would like to see her severely punished are overreacting. I feel like she should be jailed for about 45 days for this act. I feel like someone who kicks a child, even in jest, should be jailed for longer. People who behave like this are rarely one-and-done kind of people. They habitually do this kind of crap and make the world a worse place for it.
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I know it's horribly cruel and all but reading the comments on here (and elsewhere) you'd think she was a child molesting monster!

Get some perspective people, it's a vat. Besides, she could be deranged and in need of help herself. God help anyone who messes with the Internet's most precious resource, eh?
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