"The Majestic Plastic Bag" mockumentary

YouTube link.

"Filmed in the style of a nature documentary and narrated by Academy Award-winner Jeremy Irons, this "mockumentary", though lighthearted in tone, hammers home the stark reality of California’s plastic bag pollution situation."

The video was created to generate support for a bill before the California legislature which will ban single-use plastic bags, limit distribution of paper bags, and encourage the use of reusable bags.

More information is available at Heal the Bay.

Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

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Most people will be reminded of American Beauty when they see this. I'm reminded of Family Guy.
"It's a plastic bag caught in the wind! Do you have any idea how complicated your circulatory system is?!"

Yeah...I need to watch more movies :P
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As soon as I saw this post I immediatly thought of American Beauty. (To this day, I often make the joke, upon seeing a plastic bag floating around "Look it's the most beautiful thing in the world!")
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