Mouth Eyes

Artist Jessica Harrison is currently working on a practice-based PhD in Sculpture (apparently, there is such a thing) and while her artwork is intriguing, it is absolutely undeniable that she makes one of the strangest art videos you'll see today.

Behold, Mouth Eyes and Flylashes [embedded Vimeo clips]. I'll see you in my nightmare tonight, Jessica!

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That somehow reminds me of the old joke about a prostitute with a glass eye who was known to sing the national anthem while giving bl*wjobs.
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I am all for creative exploration, but she should have trimmed her own eyelashes, or used mascara to blend them in. The contrast between the real lashes and the legs is probably significant, but fails to move me. If you're going to glue fly legs to your lash line, take it all the way. Subtlety is powerful.
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