Is This Young Abe Lincoln?

Neatoramanaut Ivan C. emailed us a photo he found in a photo album several years ago, and thought that it looked like young Abraham Lincoln:

The photo has brought a heated debate for over 5 years now over this photo. I brought a photo album 7 years ago and inside were many photos of well known people. One photo caught my eye. It was a photo on a piece of heavy metal, 2"x3". mirror image. I said to my self this guy looks like Abe Lincoln. The photo had many
other pictures of Abe Lincoln and also of his wife and kids.

Well I started my research into why the photo is not Abe Lincoln. I learned all I could about abe lincoln especially of him being hit in the face by a horse at age nine. I had the photo authenticated. One person who saw the photo in person was Abe Lincoln expert from Denville, New Jersey Dr. Jerome R. Corsi. Also Dave Blanchette and Drs. Thomas Schwartz and James Cornelius. They all agreed and said it was a very young Abe, age 27 to 29.years old. I also had a forensic detective look at it. Mr. Bob Garrett CSCSA, CLPE, FFS New Jersey State Division International Association for Identification. He said all facial characteristics match.

If you see the photo in person you see that Mr. Lincoln was very tall and homely and you can see his mole, crooked lip and disfigured jaw. One eye was smaller and one ear was higher than the other. Abe is wearing his WHIG button and his suit and cravat is of the victoria age.

If you want to see the photo in person I live in New Jersey.

I'm no photo expert, but a cursory play with various images of Lincoln I found online showed a remarkable match in the eyes, nose, and mouth positionings. Could Ivan have found daguerrotypes of young Abraham Lincoln? What do you think?

The photos:

Thanks Ivan!

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Jimmy Carter was my favorite president. The greatest American President was Abraham Lincoln. We need more Abe Lincolns in the white house these days. P.S. this forum is about whether the photo on top is of a young Abe Lincoln. Stick with the program missy!
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who cares whether it is him or not. instead show me a picture of a great president like bill clinton who knows how to party or our smartest president ever george w. bush then it would be cool.
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