I Write Like is a generator that proposes to analyze your writing and compare it to published authors. The above is the result I got when I entered some text from an article I wrote for mental_floss. However, the results do not tell me why my writing resembles James Joyce's prose. Then I entered another sample, this time from an article I wrote for Neatorama.
Again, no explanation for why the results are different. They might even be random. Grab a few paragraphs of your writing and try it out for yourself! Link -via The Daily What
few tries later i became Cory Doctorow ...
blogged about it as well :)
Apparently he could have written this:
aginafnbnkn adfg a a g ehgi jaeflg aerg afg afg afg ag pjegj sadver[hprn hs dsgo[kep[gergpo[epfnskncs.