...or to gobbledegook, depending on what your phone number is. The website "PhoneSpell" will convert strings of 3-16 numbers to their phone-dial-equivalent letter combinations.
The sequence 632867262, for example, can spell "Neatorama." But it can also spell "Me-atop-Ana" or "Me-atop-boa" or "Me-bums-Ana" or any of several dozen other equally nonsensical phrases. The search engine can also reverse engineer a number for you after you enter a word or phrase.
Give it a try, and if your home/cell/work phone has a particularly apt alphabetical equivalent, feel free to enter the (non-numerical) result in the Comments section.
Link, via 22 Words.
The sequence 632867262, for example, can spell "Neatorama." But it can also spell "Me-atop-Ana" or "Me-atop-boa" or "Me-bums-Ana" or any of several dozen other equally nonsensical phrases. The search engine can also reverse engineer a number for you after you enter a word or phrase.
Give it a try, and if your home/cell/work phone has a particularly apt alphabetical equivalent, feel free to enter the (non-numerical) result in the Comments section.
Link, via 22 Words.
Oh, the potential for abuse...
Both random draws on the part of the phone company