The Origins of our Most Famous Toys

This article takes a look back at 8 of our most famous vintage toys, what they looked like in the beginning and how they were created.  Includes looks at baseball cards, comic books, Hot Wheels and Pez dispensers.

Matchbox cars were started in 1953 by British toy company Lesney Products. Co-owner Jack Odell created the idea for the tiny cars because his daughter was only allowed to bring toys to school if they could fit in a matchbox.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by pholley.

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I wonder if some kids took that literally and just brought a pack of matches.

“Timmy? Why on Earth are you taking a box of matches to school?”
“Teacher said I could.”
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I wonder if some kids took that literally and just brought a pack of matches.

“Timmy? Why on Earth are you taking a box of matches to school?”
“Teacher said I could.”
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