This video purports to show a golf ball striking a steel plate at 150 mph, with the action filmed at 70,000 frames per second. At several YouTube postings of the same sequence, the discussion threads are dominated by incredulity, with opinions being presented that a real golf ball cannot deform to this degree, and that what is shown is another type of ball resembling a golf ball, or else pure computer graphics (or, as the YouTube crowd says, "photoshopping.") The discussion at Neatorama will presumably be more intelligent and well-informed. What do you think? A real regulation golf ball?
Via within the crainium.
Via within the crainium.
Bubba Watson: 122.81 mph
Dustin Johnson: 121.74
J.B. Holmes: 121.34
Tiger Woods, is tied for 10th at 118.84. Bubba Watson's 122.81 mph clubhead speed turns into an average ball speed of 181.28 mph. The highest he's been measured at is 188.19.
Dustin Johnson's average ball speed is 180.01, and J.B. Holmes' is 179.53. (Tiger: tied for 20th at 173.33.)
First, the club is moving towards the ball and both will continue in the same direction. Here, the ball is moving towards an object that doesn't move so the energy has to reflect back through the ball.
Second, a golf club deforms as well as the ball in contact, here the steel doesn't, so the ball is absorbing most of the energy.
Third, even though a golf ball from Tiger achieves speeds in the 170 mph range, the club is only moving at about 120 mph (still very impressive speed).
All that being said, hard to say if it is real or not. I'd tend to believe it is, but could wouldn't bet the farm on it.