The Segway Office Chair

[YouTube - Link]

Asimo asked for an office chair, so Honda made him one. This Segway for even lazier people follows in the footsteps of other interesting but unnecessary balancing acts: A robot that balances on a ball, the hands free transporter, and the even dorkier Segseat.


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I could also see this as being useful in a lab or workshop situation where standing the entire workday is out of the question, but standing up and sitting down 400 times to move a over a couple of feet to a different piece of equipment can be tiring and hard on the knees.
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I agree. It will be a wonderful benefit for some of those who are now confined to wheelchairs. Merely being in the sitting position isolates the disabled in many situations. The social value of having your face at the same level as everone else's is not to be underestimated.
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To all the 'lazy' posters, try to keep in mind that when you are 70-80+ years old, you might need a little help getting around too. My Uncle sent me this a few weeks ago - he is an otherwise healthy older man who has severe mobility issues. Don't be so quick to condemn something that you as a healthy young person might not need...right now.
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Amazing technology...something Dean Kamen has been tinkering with a bit himself. I can see how inventing something that can balance itself could help those who have trouble with it...not to mention the paralyzed. Thanks for the link!
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I agree. It will be a wonderful benefit for some of those who are now confined to wheelchairs. Merely being in the sitting position isolates the disabled in many situations. The social value of having your face at the same level as everone else's is not to be underestimated.
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I could also see this as being useful in a lab or workshop situation where standing the entire workday is out of the question, but standing up and sitting down 400 times to move a over a couple of feet to a different piece of equipment can be tiring and hard on the knees.
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