Man Uses Google Ads to Get a Job

(YouTube Link)

Alec Brownstein, a writer, needed a job. So he chose the names five NYC advertising directors that he'd like to work for. Then he bought an advertisement in Google that would be displayed when each person searched for his own name. So when they Googled themselves, they saw an ad from Brownstein asking for a job. He got two job offers. The cost was just $6.

Link via Urlesque

UPDATE: Google ads, not search results. I misunderstood and have corrected the post.

Comments (9)

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Hahaha! This is great. I actually did the exact same thing but with targeted Facebook ads. Worked like a charm!

Now, all I do is recommend that people looking for work use social media and whatnot. Way faster and significantly more fun!
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Equally successful in getting a job at company you want (especially small to mid size companies) is to search Facebook for employees who work there. Then look through each employee for a mutual connection; employee knows your friend Joe. Connect and get interview.

This got me a job within a week's time. Of course being savvy on the net does not mean your savvy during your interview.
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