Volkswagen's Folding Electric Bike

In an effort to position itself as a green company, Volkswagen has introduced a folding electric bicycle.
This folding, pedal-free electric bike designed by VW, made its debut at Auto China 2010 and is designed to fold up and fit in your spare tyre comparment. The Bik.e is capable of 12.5 miles on a full charge with a top speed of 12.5 mph, and it's designed to draw a charge from the car itself so you won't need to worry about plugging it in.

The idea is not particularly to use the bike for emergency breakdowns; it's more for helping you reach a destination that the car alone cannot access, or where parking is not available where you want to go.   Apparently this is not just a concept - the bikes will be marketed, although pricing information has not been released.  A video at the link shows the bike in use.


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Where I live, if you want to drive that thing without having to get a motorcycle license, it will need working pedals. You might never use the pedals, but you have to be able to use the pedals to qualify as a bicycle rather than a powered m-class vehicle.
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I just discovered the original rant last month (never saw the movie). This is a high-larious parody. It should win some kind of an award itself. Thanks.
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You have to give Alec credit. With that one short scene he absolutely steals the movie from some of Hollywood's best actors. Ask anyone what they remember from Glengarry. "Second prize... a set of steak knives."
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A parody of a parody? Maybe an homage to a classic parody. The advice in Glen(garry, Ross) is as useful as The Prince's advice to the 'toons.

Let's face it, papers are dead because of the decision making publishers. 'Toons are dying within the papers for the same reason. They are not really interested in readers. They are interested in advertisers and not getting complaints.

Fear does the opposite of motivate and therein lies the core of the parody.
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