Origami Cobra

deviantART user orscobrusco specializes in origami. He's put pictures of impressive pieces in his gallery, such as this cobra. It was made from a single sheet of paper with no cuts or glue. Here's his description run through Google Translator:

Original model of the undersigned, created in '98.
This in particular is made of paper "elephant skin" patterned wet-folding, sheet starting about two meters long. The paper has been applied to the wounded colored with a dark wood stain and ink.

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google satoshi kamiya, he doesn't use any soft. There is/was a TV show in Japan, where they get a theme and must create origami on the spot.
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haha nice, I've had that in my faves for ages.

Also, Lisa, as I understand it, there are computer programs Origami makers use to map out their folds first, before they ever go into actual folding
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