Big News Day in Salisbury

The headline reads:
Dog injures nose

The story is short. The comments are priceless.
Sounds harrowing. Keep us posted.

It's outrageous that something like this is allowed to happen in this country. I want this to be addressed in the next prime ministeral debates. Let's see Nick Clegg talk himself out of this one.

Shocked and disgusted. There's nothing but bad news now days. What sort of world are we leaving for our children?

This is brave and edgy reporting. It's a pity that the Pulitzer Prize is limited to the USA.

But how does he smell??

The comments at reddit are another level of win.
...I only live a few hours from Ringwood. Should I get down there and see if I can find out more?

Good luck! The roads are going to be packed as soon as this story gets out.

Probably best to stay indoors until it all blows over. And keep your windows closed.

This little item became the most viewed story ever at the Salisbury Journal's website. Link -via reddit

(image credit: Flickr user desiretofire : music is the shape of silence)

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This is bizarre- I live in Salisbury and have been reading Neatorama for ages! Makes me feel all cozy. But then I AM wearing a Snuggie.
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