The Ross Sisters Perform "Solid Potato Salad"

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The Ross Sisters (Aggie, Maggie, and Elmira) were a trio of singing acrobatic contortionists who rose to brief fame in the 1940s.  The scene above is from a 1944 MGM musical entitled "Broadway Rhythm."  The term "solid" was period slang for "excellent."

Some people like their taters Lyonnais, some prefer French fries.
I prefer mine with mayonnaise, cole slaw on the side.
Solid potato salad, that’s solid salad, Jack,
Solid potato salad, boy, take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.

The rest of the lyrics are searchable with Google, but they are not the point of the film segment.  You will need to watch beyond the first minute of the video to see the rather remarkable athleticism of these young ladies.

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News flash, perverted fellas. If a woman can contort herself like that, you're unnecessary. ;)

Funny how if that were made today, I'd be wondering if it were CG in some way. Bodies just aren't meant to bend like that.

@taliesyn30 I'd imagine that even being blessed (if it is a blessing) to be that flexible, you're probably only able to do that for 10, maybe 15, years before you're just not able to do it anymore, at least not to that degree. There's a reason why Olympic gymnasts rarely compete past their mid-20's.
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Wow. I didn't see anything sexual in that. Unless you're turned on by waiting for that horrible popping sound (like the one that spelled the end of her career for the fourth Ross sister, Fanny).

Interesting fact: their parents were pretzelmakers.
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