Neatorama Update - April 2010

Hello Neatoramanauts! A quick update:

You all know who she is, but I'd like to welcome Miss Cellania as Neatorama's new Managing Editor. Miss C has been with us since the blog's very beginning (she's registered user #27) and I couldn't think of anyone better to handle the day-to-day operation of the blog and to help us manage Neatorama's expansion.

Got a post submission but don't want to use the Upcoming Queue? Now you can email it to: tips at neatorama dot com

And lastly, congratulations to winners of the recent giveaway/contest on Neatorama:

I LEGO N.Y. by Christoph Niemann Planet Shanghai: What's In The Bag? What Is It? Game 133
I LEGO N.Y. - Congrats to Lnothing7 and annette Planet Shanghai - Congrats to Clarabelle and Mr. Weaver Swine Flu: Bacon's Revenge - Congrats to Lucas
What Is It? Game 133 NeatoShop Wishlist Wednesday NeatoShop Wishlist Wednesday
I Heart Robots - Congrats to Tim C Buckyballs - Congrats to Anna A. Ford GT Road Mice - Congrats to Ray Soldano

NeatoShop Wishlist Wednesday winners' bio:

Anna A: Terrible at bowling, getting better at knitting, does okay with
web design, loves neatorama and hates missing a single post.

Ray is a 28 year old IT worker on a college campus in Chattanooga. During the day he is a complete geek working on computers and installing A/V systems in classrooms. Once work is over Ray can find himself hanging out at a local bar, playing pool just kicking back having a good time most likely enjoying a cigar and a beer. Ray has a passion for cars and motorcycles and currently has a supercharged 97 Miata and an 87 Honda Hurricane 600. He is unofficially the official photographer for the local SCCA chapter and you will find him at most races with his camera in hand. I guess you could say that Ray is not your stereotypical geek who sits at home and plays on the computer all the time, he is the next generation of geek.

Be sure to watch out for our next set of giveaways and contests! Follow us on Twitter or visit our Facebook Fan page.

Thank you!

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Newest 5 Comments

Thank you!

Edward, I don't know yet, but apparently I'm supposed to manufacture time for Alex to do other things.

Sue, I'm afraid silly drivel is my specialty, but I'll see what we can do.
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