Quarantine Rapper is Back

(YouTube Link)

Christiaan Van Vuuren created a viral video two months about about his experiences in quarantine for drug-resistant tuberculosis. He's still there, and has had plenty of time to hone his video editing skills:

It has now been 102 days that I’ve been here in the hospital all up, isolated with a case of Multi-Drug Resistant TB. I am here under a strict regiment of 6 different antibiotics, and a couple of other medications to help with the side effects of those. Over this time I have been lucky enough to have access to a computer with music and video production capability!!! So far I have really enjoyed making videos and connecting with people around the world through the internet, as it’s been a great way for me to keep my mind off all the treatment, and make me feel as if I’m actually achieving something in here, rather than wasting the time away staring at the walls!….. For this most recent music video, I really wanted to do something that was out of control – so I enlisted the help of my brother. He is only able to come in for short visits here and there, for which he has to get masked up and wear protective gloves, but it was enough for us to be able to go silly with his digital handycam.

via Nerdist

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