The Tufa Towers of Mono Lake

One of the most amazing sites to be found in California (and perhaps the US) is the eerie beauty of Mono Lake. The "towers" became visible when the lake's source water was diverted for human use, and the water level fell. While conservationists battle over its future, there is still hope for the lake and its fragile ecosystems.

The tufa rock formations became visible. This is a sedimentary rock that is formed by carbonate materials. Once underwater the tufa became a land bridge for animals to the lake’s islands. They also give the lake it other worldly look. So, although the tufa towers are natural, the fact that they are so visible above the surface of the lake is entirely our doing. It soon became obvious that the lake was beginning to die.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by taliesyn30.

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I go to Mono Lake every year. The water is so salty birds float too high and bob around like corks. The tufa are really cool close up and on the southern end of the lake there's a different kind of tufa that looks like miniature alien cities.
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I go to Mono Lake every year. The water is so salty birds float too high and bob around like corks. The tufa are really cool close up and on the southern end of the lake there's a different kind of tufa that looks like miniature alien cities.
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