"The Man Who Planted Trees"

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In 1987 this Canadian production won the Academy Award for the Best Animated Short Film, and in 1994 was voted by animation artists to be one of the 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time.  Embedded above is part 2 of three parts, which demonstrates the style and representative content of the film.  Those who are interested will of course want to view Part 1 and Part 3.  This English version is narrated by Christopher Plummer.

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Wow, I saw one frame of that on the page and I nostalgia'ed *hard.* A rush of memories came back to me. I hadn't thought about this cartoon in years since I was 7 or 8 when it came out.
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Really, one of my life long goals is to be wealthy enough to buy a metric crapload of land that no one wants and to turn it into a forest. I want to do this many times over.

Just thinking of it makes me want to turn the music up, work harder and accomplish.

You guys (might) have no idea, but then again, maybe you do. This is one of the reasons I have been going to Namibia every year. : ]
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