Photo: Nina Leen/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
If you haven't seen it before, LIFE has a pretty nifty set of galleries to feature some of the most interesting photos from their vast archives. Sure there are photo galleries on such serious topics like World War II, notorious assassinations, and the Haiti Earthquake devastation, but this is Neatorama and I'm particularly drawn to one about dressing up squirrels:
Tommy Tucker was a squirrel adopted by a woman in Washington, DC, in the early 1940s after she found the critter orphaned in a tree. He soon became part of the family, as it were -- accompanying the lady of the house on shopping trips, for instance. She also, it turned out, enjoyed dressing him up in specially made outfits. And so it begins ...
Link: A Squirrel's Guide to Fashion | LIFE Photo Gallery Archives
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