Baby Bunny Eats a Flower

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Om nom nom! This wild bunny lives only temporarily at a Animal Advocates wildlife rehabilitation center in Los Angeles. It will be released back to nature when it's old enough. Don't miss the washing up at the end! -via Cynical-C

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gryt, thanks for the classy insult.

We had a cat that used to catch baby rabbits from the field behind the house. Every couple of days, we'd find a headless baby rabbit on our doorstep.

We had a couple of baby squirrels fall out (or get pushed out) of their nest once. One died; the City guy took the other one away - killed it out of our sight, I assume. The same year, our friends had a squirrel get into their garage attic. They killed the babies it left in the attic.

You can buy rabbit in the local grocery store. I've managed to keep them out of my back yard this past year, which is good since they destroy young plants like crazy. Totally razed two euonymus bushes in the front yard.

Doesn't make this one any less cute. It's just a fact of life that rabbits are cute but a pain in the ass to deal with in the wild. Sorry I didn't go "awww, nom-nom-nom".
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Do you mean "when it's old enough"? Because that is a correct contraction of "it is".

Not sure why they're spending money on baby rabbits, except for publicity. They are a dime a dozen.
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