Lajamanu, a small community in the Northern Territory of Australia, has experienced a "rain of fishes." Hundreds of spangled perch, some frozen, some still alive, fell from the sky onto the desert community.
Rains of fish, frogs, and other aquatic creatures have been recorded with surprising frequency throughout history. The conventional explanation is that tornadoes or waterspouts scoop the creatures out of bodies of water and then transport them substantial distances before releasing them.
This is the third such event at Lajamanu in the past 30 years. Local residents apparently have said "thanks for all the fish" and are grateful that the waterspout did not scoop up crocodiles.
Link. Photo: NT News Newsbreaker Christine Balmer.
Rains of fish, frogs, and other aquatic creatures have been recorded with surprising frequency throughout history. The conventional explanation is that tornadoes or waterspouts scoop the creatures out of bodies of water and then transport them substantial distances before releasing them.
This is the third such event at Lajamanu in the past 30 years. Local residents apparently have said "thanks for all the fish" and are grateful that the waterspout did not scoop up crocodiles.
Link. Photo: NT News Newsbreaker Christine Balmer.,-89.447995&sspn=0.012224,0.02223&ie=UTF8&hq=lajamanu&hnear=&radius=15000&ll=-18.354526,130.649414&spn=0.253842,0.355682&t=h&z=12
Listen to this short podcast about the phenomena real quick if you've got a few mins. Or you could just read the transcription on the page.