Computer Bug (YouTube link)A praying mantis is trying to catch the cursor on a computer screen! After the video was recorded, the insect was taken outside and set loose. -via Arbroath Comments (14) Comments (14) Newest 5 Newest 5 Comments Haha, good one rickygee. ;p Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) CURSORS! FOILED AGAIN! Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) AAAAAAAAAAAAH! there is a praying mantis on my screen! *swat* Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) I didn't know a Praying Mantis could bark! Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Praying mantis chases cursor? Am I the only one who can recognise that the real story is 'Praying mantis barks like a dog'! :o) Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Login to comment. Click here to view up to the first 100 of this post's 14 comments
AAAAAAAAAAAAH! there is a praying mantis on my screen! *swat* Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
Praying mantis chases cursor? Am I the only one who can recognise that the real story is 'Praying mantis barks like a dog'! :o) Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
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