A Tesco grocery store in Cardiff, Wales, has recently banned customers who shop in their pajamas or barefoot:
The signs are placed at the entrance to the store, on the city's outskirts.
They read: "To avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted)."
The spokesman said: "We're not a nightclub with a strict dress code, and jeans and trainers are of course more than welcome. We do, however, request that customers do not shop in their PJs or nightgowns. This is to avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others."
What do you think? A sensible precaution or just the fashion police running amuck?
None of my pajamas really look like pajamas, I basically sleep in workout clothes. Especially since I'm in college and I have dance classes, I'm not going to wear jeans all day just to change back and forth for dance.
So I'll see you at the store in my yoga pants and t-shirt. But if you respect yourself at all, leave the ducky printed pants at home.