Book Holder For Your Bike

Bike riding can get a bit boring after a while. So why not read a book while you're at it? The Performance Book Caddy attaches to your bicycle's handlebars, letting you focus on your text while riding. What would possibly go wrong? via DVICE

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@medlii now that's good stuff

as for the rest of you - I'm always hopeful that the Neatorama commenters' wit will be par with passiveagressivenotes, but so often it boils down to simple editing insults. Meh.
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I can imagine myself reading while i'm riding my bike and...oooops I've missed a big THAT is something really stupid. Don't read while you're driving.
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Good idea, but some nut cyclist will take this out on the road and then complain about discourteous drivers causing the inevitable accident.

As for "Jazz on your face", she must make it known that she is a female for fear of being branded gay, maybe. You all know what the "Jazz" refers to here, don't you?
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Wonderful! That's what I was waiting for. I used to read while driving my car, but now that they took away my driver's license (I don't know why) I ride a bike. I had tried to hold a book while riding the bike, but it is exhausting.

Thank you, Neatorama!

PD: Sorry for my bad English: I do my best, but it's not my first language
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