Tiny, Functional V-8 Engine

(YouTube Link)

Jim Moyer's hobby is building miniature engines. The one above, which he claims is the smallest V-8 engine in the world, is a 1/6 scale model of the 327 cubic inch motor in a 1964 Chevrolet Corvette.

Link via Ace of Spades HQ

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Awww, it's such a cute widdle V8. I just want to pinch its valve covers.
I like the miniature engines and all, but just as long as they serve a purpose, like the scale miniature Viper V10 that powers a pencil sharpener.
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With such miniaturisation, it amazes me why modern car engines still are so bulky....

ROOBOy the almost hysterical laughter of mr. Clarkson during the interview- Priceless :-D

...And so now we look out for someone who builds the tiny robot-driver to take a seat in that masterpiece to take that for a spin.
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Really imnpressive - and possibly the smallest /scale/ model. I've seen a much smaller V8 glow-plug aero engine running, but that wasn't a model of anything in particular, just a small engine. About 6" long and perhaps 5" squarish - made an amazing whooshing sound.
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