This past week we purchased the bottle on the right above - French's "Classic" Worcestershire sauce, in the 15 oz. size - to replace the old one on the left with the "New and Improved!" label.
The label of the new bottle indicates that it has 50% MORE* (with the asterisk). I can't reproduce the letter size here, but it's approximately a 48 point font.
On the right below that in bold italics is Excellent Value! in a ~14-point font.
And beneath that the clarification *Compared to 10 FL. OZ. products. in ~12-point italics.
One can't argue with the mathematics. The question is whether this is deceptive advertising. Does this labelling cynically take advantage of inattentive shoppers, or is it a truthful, clever marketing ploy?
Comments (37)
There is no way it can be both...
Asbestos free!