January 2, 2010 is a palindrome, at least in countries that write the date in the mm/dd/yyyy form. Personally, I've been writing the date without initial zeros, like 12-3-9, but that's just me. Who notices such things? Professor Aziz Inan of the University of Portland, who teaches electrical engineering but loves math puzzles.
The next palindromic date will be November 2, 2011. Link -via J-Walk Blog
A native of Istanbul, Inan creates math puzzles in his spare time. So it was a big day when he looked closely at his own name and saw a pattern. His first and last names are both vowel-consonant-vowel-same consonant -- and, if you write the names in all caps, switch the vowels and turn one set of consonants 90 degrees, both names are the same.
"I jumped in my chair," he said of the day two years ago when the connection hit him. "My parents had no idea."
The next palindromic date will be November 2, 2011. Link -via J-Walk Blog
2010/01/02 - 20:10:01.02
I don't really care how my country or America or Europe writes their dates or times. That's how I write dates. because it's the logical way. And when's the last time you saw a country write a date anyways. That's .. bizarre. A country doesn't have hands. It's made of rocks and dirt. You're weird, Neatorama. You, as a website, should stop saying things like that.
However in the defence of yanq's you do say 'July the 12th' or 'Feb 1st' etc don't you? Thus 7/12/10 makes sense. Or so an North American elegantly explained to me once (even though she preferred dd/mm/yy).