Kids Crave has a list of eight children's books that range from offbeat to weird to extremely specialized, including It's Just Another Plant: A Children's Story of Marijuana and It Hurts When I Poop. Pictured above is a book that will help parents when kids ask the most difficult of questions: "Why is there a server in the house?" I tell you when you're old enough to understand, sweetie. I promise.
Link via Bits & Pieces | Photo: Kids Crave
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There should be a sequel to that one titled 'Mommy, Which Cloud Is All Our Data In? Helping Your Child Understand Cloud Computing'
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I just ordered two copies of "it's only a plant". I know so many people who have kids that age. It's nice to be able to give them a book for their kids which tells the truth about herb for a change.
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I hate any book with an agenda, especially children's books. I'm sure all children would abhor these books.
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@amocksun: ;)
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@ Tim Giachetti you made me lol.
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