Man Completes World of Warcraft

A Taiwanese man with a character known as "Little Gray" completed all 986 objectives in World of Warcraft and finished the game:

To reach the milestone the Taiwanese power-player killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that's 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players.

Here's the sad part: once you achieve something like this, what is there left to accomplish in life?

Link via Wandering Goblin | Image: Blizzard Entertainment

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Actually you cant really "finnish World of Warcraft". there always adding new achievments and quests. In fact, there wil be a new patch comming out that will ruin his "win" in a bit. And actually Blizzard checked. he still has to do one more achievment "BB King" but a glitch allowed him to dodge it.
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