Remember the digital pet game Tamagotchi? Well, Japan now has the next step in virtual relationship, a Nintedo DS video game called Love Plus where nerdy males can have their very own anime girlfriends.
Lisa Katayama, Boing Boing's contributing editor, reports that a man who calls himself "Sal9000" has taken the next logical step:
On Sunday, a man named Sal9000 married the love of his life. Her name is Nene Anegasaki, and she lives inside of a Nintendo DS video game called Love Plus. The wedding took place during a Make: Japan meet-up held at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. In attendance were a live audience, an MC, the bride's virtual video game girlfriend — who made a speech — and a real human priest.
A wife with an on/off switch! I don't know if this is crazy or genius - maybe both: Link (with embedded YouTube clip) - Thanks Xeni!
Comments (28)
Man, this hit a little close to home for you buddy didn't it? By the way, robots cannot love you just as they're unable to have other emotions. Get a grip man.
I don't think that any rational person would seriously wed an inanimate object. This stinks of advertisement, and a clever-ish one at that, since most people here seem to be getting their panties in a twist about it.
Then again, the world is full of really lonely people and/or those with all sorts of wacky turn-ons. You can't marry anime characters IRL, and if that's the only thing that turns your crank, what's a guy to do?