Tiburon, California, has become the first community in the United States to record the license plate of every car that enter or leave the town:
Plates will be compared to databases of stolen or wanted cars, with matches triggering an immediate alert to local officers. If detectives are investigating a crime, they will be able to search the records to try to find possible suspects. [...]
"If it lowers the crime rate even a little bit, then it's a great idea," said Yami Anolik, a 64-year-old real estate investor whose husband, Al Anolik, spoke in favor of the cameras at the meeting.
She said she did not share the privacy concerns of some of her neighbors, explaining, "If you're driving on a public road, you gave up your privacy already. If you want to be private, stay at home."
Do you think this is a good idea? Link
(Photo: CJ Sorg [Flickr])
I'd be willing to bet her tone would change quickly.