10 Modern Measurements

John Madden of GeekDad relates the story of how the 'smoot' became a measurement of distance:

Way back in 1958, the MIT chapter of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity used pledge Oliver R. Smoot to measure the Harvard Bridge in Massachusetts, coining the smoot as a unit of measurement in the process – one smoot equaling five feet, seven inches. Smoot (the man) lay down on the bridge, his position was marked, and he moved on (or was moved on – eventually he so tired from the movement that his frat brothers carried him), until the bridge was established as being 364.4 smoots, plus or minus an ear, in length. Appropriately, Smoot would later become chairman of the American National Standards Institute.

Madden then passes on ten more recent forms of measurement, including some of his own devising. These include the milliwheaton (number of Twitter followers), the Warhol (fame duration), and the Emmet (power). The latter comes from the movie Back to the Future:

1 Emmet = 1.21 Gigawatts, or the amount of power required to operated the flux capacitor in a modified DeLorean DMC-12. GeekDad note – when describing the Emmet, it’s pronounced ‘Jigga’ watt. There was briefly some debate as to whether this should be called a ‘lloyd’ or a docbrown’, But for simplicity (and to honour the character rather than the actor - though don’t get me wrong, Christopher Lloyd rocks) I’ve gone for ‘Emmet’.

In the comments, propose Neatorama-themed measurements.

Link | Images: MIT and Universal Studios, respectively

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In Doctor Who Fandom we have a power measurement taken by Unit Scientist Malcolm Taylor.

Malcolm measured power surges in the episode 'Planet of the Dead'

He describes one Malcolm as a wavelength parcel of ten KH/Z operating in 4 dimensions. Malcolm came up with the idea to name a form of measurement after himself from James Watt, saying "it didn't do him any harm."

Then when things got a little crazy later on he discovered another measurement:

100 Malcolms = 1 Bernard
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