The Beatles Never Broke Up

Get ready for a strange story of a lost Beatles album found on cassette on the other side of a portal to a parallel universe. James Richards brought the cassette back and is making all the songs available. Link -via YesButNoButYes

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Get a grip everyone! It was done for fun and it is pretty cool if you really give it a listen. I'm sure a lot of time went into it also. Let's see you do it better. At least its something new and lets hope there is more to come. Buuurahhh!!
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it is a complete fake. I haven't even listened to it because I know it isn't worth the time. But reading what other people who have listened to it have said i can tell its fake. whoever said that there was to much Ringo and they could tell it was fake is right. Ringo only does one song per album.
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Its real....I came from another dimension myself. I died in the last one and came here. I hope heaven and hell aren't real...because if they are this is the H place. It would make sense that many tracks On Everyday Chemistry might have recognizable parts of songs that were recorded in the post beatle era in this dimension. The album is very good...if you don't like it just might not be a real beatles fan. I was 16 when I wanna hold your hand was a hit in the US. The concept of infinite parallet dimensions is our only hope of getting out this screwed up one. Dimension travel needs to be explored.
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