Having Fun with "Google Suggest"

The "autofill" feature of the Google search box was designed as a timesaver, but the suggested searches can also be entertaining.  Writing in Slate, Michael Agger compared the autofill of "less intelligent" and "more intelligent" queries, an exercise that has previously been conducted at Digg.

The image above is a screencap of two Google searches conducted tonight using less- and more sophisticated search terms.

A corollary question would be "What searches are most commonly conducted at Neatorama?"  The Lijit search engine doesn't have an autofill feature, but it does offer a list of the most popular recent searches at Neatorama, in descending order of frequency:
"world's smallest," mystery sale, halloween, what is it, disney, halloween costume, pumpkin, shop, stories, tattoo, cat, facebook, halloween costumes, pear, game, costume, movie trivia, photography, new species, zombie, bacon, lego, elena desserich, google, anvil cake, costumes, national day, notes left behind, origami, national geographic, videosift, wedding, what is it? game, 6 year old, albert einstein, brain, christmas, chum, hitler, logo, one take, pig, sex, animals, art, batman, brain shot, comic, einstein, shark.

Someone else may want to tackle the sociological implications of that list; I'm not going to touch it.


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I'm of the opinion that many of those with the "how might one" questions are simply copying the questions straight from their homework into Google.
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